Powerful Dua for love marriage to agree parents (convince your parents)

The Dua for love marriage to agree parents given by us in this article has helped thousands of people a lot in making their parents agree to their marriage, and even today, this Dua is working for many people, and they are not facing any obstacles in getting married as per their wish.

When two people are in love, they dream many dreams for the future, and the biggest dream among them is that one day they will get married, but many times the path between marriage becomes very difficult, and the biggest reason for this is the parents.

It is often seen that the girl’s parents or the boy’s parents are not agreeable to the marriage, and due to this, two loving couples have to face many problems in marriage and are even forced to think that maybe they will never be able to unite.

If you also find yourself in a situation where your parents are not agreeable to your marriage, then you do not need to panic.

Today in this article, we are going to give you some such dua and a wazifa, which, if you do according to the rules told by us with steadfast faith in Allah Taala, then believe me, Allah (SWT) will bless your parents with agree your marriage, and whatever problems are coming in your marriage, they will disappear automatically.

 “This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah”

Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 2

Till now, thousands of people have tried this dua and have got very positive results, and today, they have been successful in getting a happy married life.

Read Powerful Dua for love marriage in Quran (Dua for marriage)

Follow some important points before performing Dua

Before starting the given dua and wazifa, you must remember and follow some points.

Let us know what points you have to follow.

  1. You must do the Dua and Wazifa below with a pure heart. If you have any sin in your mind and are using this Dua to wish well for someone, then your Dua will not be successful.
  2. If you are a woman, then take care that you do not recite this dua during your menstruation.
  3. You should start this prayer by sitting in a clean place and facing the direction of the Qibla.
  4. During the prayer, you should do good deeds like feeding the poor and giving charity. This will make Allah happy, and your prayer will be answered soon.
  5. Whenever you go to start the dua, you should recite five names of Allah Taala and then begin this dua.

Steps to perform Dua for love marriage to agree parents

  1. First, do proper Wudu.
  2. Offer two units of prayer (Salatul Hajat).
  3. Recite (Surah Al-Furqan, 25:74) “Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a’yunin waj’alna lil muttaqeena imama.” 434 times.
  4. Finally, pray to Allah SWT to agree with your parents for your love marriage.

You should continue doing this method for 16 days continuously after the advice of Fajr or Isha Salah.

Dua for love marriage to agree parents
Read Dua for love marriage to agree parents.

Insha Allah, you will soon get great results and see positive behaviour in your parents.

If you need any help, please get in touch with our Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji through WhatsApp.

He has helped thousands of people in this matter so far and helped them convince their parents to marry.

We often post people’s reviews on our Instagram.

If you feel that there is some obstacle in your marriage and you want to get married soon, then you should read the dua to get married soon.

Wazifa for love marriage to agree parents

  • After Thajud Salah say “SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar.”
  • Then, read Surah Yasin 2 times.
  • Recite Surah Taha (20:39): “Wa alqaytu ‘alayka mahabbatan minnee wa litusna’a ‘ala ‘aynee.” 324 times.
  • Finally, Pray to Allah SWT for your parents to agree with your marriage.

Follow this method regularly for 15 days without any gap inshallah.

Soon, you will see your parents will accept this marriage.

Wazifa for love marriage to agree parents
Read Wazifa for love marriage to agree parents.

Perform Dua to convince parents for love marriage

To convince your parents of your love marriage, you have to do Wudu before fajr Salah, then recite, “Ya Allah, soften the hearts of my parents and guide them to accept my choice with love and understanding.” 223 times after that, you blow on your parent’s photo 3 times.

Do this regularly for 14 days.

InshAllah, you will start getting positive outcomes soon.

Dua to convince parents for love marriage
Read Dua to convince parents for love marriage.

Dua to make his parents agree for marriage

To make his parents agree to marriage, recite (Surah Al-Qasas, 28:24): “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqir.” 223 times regularly after Isha Salah for 15 days and pray to Allah SWT in your own words to make his parents agree.

Dua to convince parents for something

It is often seen that some people’s parents either take a lot of time to understand their children or do not want to understand them at all, and in such a situation, they refuse to listen to anything their children say.

If you also find yourself in such a situation and you feel that what you are telling your parents or what you want them to agree to is correct, then in such a situation, you can do this dua given by us regularly.

If you do it according to our rules, your parents will agree on what you want to do.

To convince your parents for something, recite  “Allahumma layyin quloobahum kama layyintal hadida li Dawud.” 434 times after every Salah for 213 times regularly for 17 days.

Dua to convince parents for something
Read Dua to convince parents for something.

You should read the Dua for Love Back to get your lost love back. By this, with the grace of Allah, you will get your lost love back.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to convince parents for love marriage in Islam

To make your parents agree to your marriage, you have to regularly recite the dua given in the Quran with complete faith in Allah (SWT) and every time with a true heart; you have to say to Allah in your own words that Allah, please make my parents agree for my marriage, and my Nikah should happen quickly without any hindrance with that person whom I love from my heart.


So, in the end, all the Dua and Wazifa above are wholly Islamic and have solutions.

If you want to convince your parents of your marriage with a true heart and intention and want their consent, then all these duas will work very well for you.

Till now, thousands of people have tried this Dua and have received surprising results.

The only condition is that your intention should be obvious and have full faith in Allah SWT.

“Who is calling me so I can answer him? Who is asking something of Me that I may give it to him?”

Sahih Muslim 758a

If you do this Dua thinking about someone’s greatness or for your benefit, you will not get its results.

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