The dua for miracle in love back, as given in this article, has helped thousands of people so far.
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In getting their lost love back in a miraculous way, and even today, this Dua is helping many people get their lost love back.
In this world, a person definitely falls in true love once in his life, and it is very common for two people to fall in love with each other, but when does that love turn into pain? A person does not know.
The greatest pain is losing his love. When a person loses his true love, he tries every possible way to bring his love back to him miraculously.
He thinks about it day and night and is cut off from everything he is attached to, such as his family, work, and business.
He even completely removes his focus from himself. Every moment, he tries to get his lost love back in any way.
But when he is unable to get his lost love back even after trying everything, he takes himself into extreme depression and becomes a very bad person in the eyes of the world.
If you also find yourself in a situation where you want to regain your lost love miraculously, then you have come to the right place.
Today, through this article, we will provide you with such a miraculous prayer, which, if you do according to the rules we mentioned, you will be able to regain your lost love miraculously.
The only condition is that you have to keep your heart clean with full faith and trust in Allah and follow the rules we mentioned.
Until now, thousands of people have done this dua according to the rules we mentioned, and they have had surprisingly positive results.
Because of this, today they live their lives happily with their love, and Nikah has also happened with their love.
Also Read Powerful Dua for love back (Getting the person you love)
How does dua for miracle in love back work for you?
It is very natural to have this question in the heart: how did this dua miraculously return our lost love to us?
So, let’s know the answer to this question.
As we all know, the Quran is such a powerful book, and everything that we have seen till today was written thousands of years ago in the Quran.
Undoubtedly, the Quran is such a miraculous book that you will find the solution to every problem.
The only condition is knowing which verse of the Quran should be read in what way, when, and how many times.
If a person comes to know about these things, then believe me. He can get himself out of every kind of problem.
Even if it is to get your lost love back because it is only Allah who is running this whole world, and Allah knows everyone’s heart very well what is in the hearts of humans.
If your heart is clean, if you want to get your love back with good intentions and a clean heart, then by doing the dua given in this article, you will receive the blessings of Allah Taala, and believe me, your lost love will return to you again.
To make someone fall in love with you then consider reading 5 Powerful Dua to make someone fall in love with you (Halal)
Follow some rules Before starting this Dua
Before starting the prayer, you have to follow some rules because if you follow these rules, then the chances of your prayer being accepted increase to a great extent, and Allah Taala accepts it quickly.
Let us know what are those rules that you have to follow.
- The most important thing is that your intention behind making this dua should be absolutely noble and clear.
- You should recite this prayer while sitting in a clean place where you can concentrate well.
- You should recite this prayer while sitting in Qibla’s direction.
- If you are a woman, then take care that you do not recite this dua during your menstruation.
- While praying, do not worry at all about whether your prayer will be accepted or not. Just have complete faith in Allah and do this prayer.
- While praying, do some good deeds, too, like giving charity and feeding the poor.
Powerful Dua for miracle in love back
The best Dua for miracle in love back is: “Allahumma alif bayna qulubina wa aslih dhata baynina wahdina subula as-salam wa najjina min az-zulumati ila an-nur.”
Translation: “O Allah, reconcile between our hearts, mend our relationship, guide us to the paths of peace, and deliver us from the darkness to the light.”
Step-by-Step Method to Recite the Dua
- Perform Wudu (Ablution)
- Read “SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi, SubhanAllahil Azeem.”
- Recite Surah Al-Fatiha once and Ayat-ul-Kursi.
- Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) and recite this dua: “Allahumma alif bayna qulubina wa aslih dhata baynina wahdina subula as-salam wa najjina min az-zulumati ila an-nur.” 435 times.
Continue this practice daily for 21 days. Make the dua after Fajr or Isha for the best results.
Also Read Powerful Dua for nazar (How to remove nazar in islam) Nazar Dua
This is one of the Dua for miracle in love back mentioned above in this article.
If you want to regain your lost love, this miraculous Dua will help you get it back.
You just have to do the Dua and the method given above, taking care of this so that your heart is completely pure and clean for the person in front of you.
This dua will not work if you want to bring someone back to you with any haram intention.
Always keep in mind that if you ask Allah Taala for something with complete devotion,
That too through Dua, then Allah listens to it and accepts our Dua.
Still, if you need any help, have any questions about the Dua given above or the methods for doing it, or want to get results soon, you can contact Maulana Anwar Ali Khan Ji through WhatsApp.
He will help you completely in this matter and help you get back your lost love.