5 Powerful Dua for baby boy in Quran (Get a Beautiful boy)

The dua for baby boy given by us in this article has brought a lot of positive change in the lives of thousands of people so far by they have got their baby boy, and even today, this dua is working for many parents.

Every parent in this world wants to have a good family and a happy family in which they get everything like happiness, good memories, and much more, but parents want a boy as a child in their life.

Sometimes, it is seen that parents try very hard to have a boy, but every time, either due to some reason, they fail or they give birth to a girl.

The birth of a girl is not a bad thing, but feeling the lack of a boy is a big thing. The absence of a boy can be felt only by the person to whom Allah has not given a baby boy.

If you also want a baby boy in your life, and that too with the blessings of Allah SWT, then you have come to the right place today.

Today in this article, we will provide you with some powerful prayers and tell you how to perform them so that you can easily give birth to a baby boy.

Till now, thousands of people have used these prayers, and a baby boy has come into their life, and their life has been filled with happiness.

You can also be one of them. You must follow our method properly and have full faith in Allah Taala.

If you feel worry and feel anxiety in your life, then consider reading 5 Powerful Dua for Anxiety, Worry, Distress and overthinking.

Follow some Guidance before starting this dua

If you are making dua for a baby boy, follow these important guidelines to ensure your supplication is accepted:

  1. Perform Salatul Hajat (prayer for needs) before making the dua.
  2. Choose the Best Time for Dua, like Tahajjud, Between Adhan and Iqamah, or After Fard Salah and on Fridays.
  3. Recite any 5 names of Allah SWT before starting this dua.
  4. Helping the poor increases barakah and makes your dua more powerful.
  5. Avoid Haram Practices Stay away from black magic, astrologers, or amulets.
  6. If you are a woman, then don’t start this dua in your menstruation.

Dua for baby boy in the Quran

  1. Perform Wudu.
  2. After Isha or Tahajjud, pray 2 rakats of Salatul Hajat.
  3. Take half a glass of zamzam and recite, “Rabbi hab li min ladunka zurriyatan tayyibatan innaka sami’ud-dua.” 212 times.
  4. Blow on Zamzam, Drink it daily, and share it with your spouse.
  5. Finally, pray to Allah SWT to bless you with a baby boy.

You have to follow the above method continuously for 15 days.

Inshallah, you will get the result soon, and Allah will bless you with a baby boy.

If you want to get the result soon without doing the above dua, then you can contact Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji through WhatsApp.

He will help you completely in this matter and will guide you well on how you can eliminate this problem from your life.

Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji has helped thousands of people in this matter so far, which we often share on our Instagram through reviews.

If you want Read 5 Powerful Dua for Obedient Child (Dua for children)

100% Guaranteed Wazifa for Baby Boy (With Allah’s Will)

If you sincerely desire a baby boy, follow this powerful Wazifa with complete faith in Allah SWT.

Both husband & wife can perform this wazifa During pregnancy (recommended from the 1st to 7th month)

Nothing is impossible for Allah Tala—He gives whatever is best for you.

  1. First proper Wudu.
  2. Read Durood Shareef 11 times.
  3. Then, recite “inallah ala kulli shayin qadeer” 99 times.
  4. Recite Surah Aal-e-Imran (3:38) 313 times daily after Fajr & Isha Salah: “Rabbi hab li min ladunka zurriyatan tayyibatan innaka sami’ud-dua.”
  5. Finally, pray to Allah SWT for the baby boy.

Follow this wazifa daily during the pregnancy; inshallah, you will be blessed with a baby boy.

If you see in trouble in your life, then read Powerful Dua for immediate help from Allah (Get help from Allah)

Surah for baby boy during pregnancy

Although there are some powerful Surahs in the Quran that you can recite with full faith in Allah to get a baby boy.

But we will tell you about three such powerful Surahs that, if you recite according to the rules mentioned by us, then, Insha Allah, you will get a baby boy during your pregnancy with the blessings of Allah.

  1. Surah Maryam (Chapter 19): Surah Maryam is about the miraculous birth of Prophet Isa (AS) and the prayers of Prophet Zakariya (AS) for a righteous child. Recite once daily during pregnancy, especially after Fajr or Isha Salah, and blow on your stomach after reciting.
  2. Surah Al-Imran (3:38-39): Rabbi hab li min ladunka zurriyatan tayyibatan innaka sami’ud-dua. Recite this Surah daily after every Salah 11 times.
  3. Surah Ash-Shura (42:49-50): Recite Surah Ash-Shura 21 times daily before sleeping.

These are the best surahs for the baby boy during pregnancy.

Dua for having a beautiful baby boy (Baby boy dua)

If you want a beautiful baby boy in your life with the blessing of Allah SWT, then parents will recite this dua: “Fa hab li min ladunka waliyyan, yarithuni wa yarithu min ali Ya’qub Waj’alhu Rabbi radiyyan.” 231 times.

Translation: “So grant me from Yourself a successor, who will inherit from me and from the family of Ya’qub. And make him, my Lord, pleasing [to You].”

Recite this dua daily after Fajar Salah for 15 days. InshAllah, you will get a beautiful baby boy.

Dua for baby boy during pregnancy

  1. Do proper Wudu.
  2. Perform 2 Rakats Salatul Hajat after Fajr or Isha.
  3. Recite “Rabbi la tazarni fardan wa anta khayrul waritheen” 313 times while placing your hand on your belly.
  4. Recite Surah Maryam (19:1-11) once daily for a righteous child.
  5. Blow on Zamzam water or any drinking water and drink it and pray to Allah SWT to get the baby boy in your life.

Follow this method regularly for 16 days without any gap. InshaAllah, you will get a baby boy with the blessing of Allah SWT.


The desire for a baby boy is natural for many parents, and making sincere dua with complete faith in Allah can bring blessings.

The powerful duas and wazifas mentioned in this article have helped many people, and by following the right method, you, too, can seek Allah’s mercy.

However, remember that Allah knows what is best for you, and every child—whether a boy or a girl—is a special blessing.

Stay patient, have a strong belief in His plans, and continue making dua with a pure heart. InshaAllah, He will grant you what is best for you and your family.

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