Powerful Dua for missing person (Lost person to return)

The dua for missing person to return given by us in this article has helped thousands of people so far, which has helped people to find their lost ones and even today, this dua is working for many people, due to which they are able to get their special ones who are missing, back in their life.

When a special person is lost in someone’s life, the pain of this thing can only be known by the person in whose life that person is special.

Then that person tries everything he can to find that person, but many times, despite making thousands of efforts, he is never able to see that lost person.

It may also be that the person has come under someone’s influence or that someone has used some kind of black magic to control him so that they are only listening to him.

If you also find yourself standing at such a place where a special person of yours has gone missing and has gone away from you, and despite making thousands of efforts, you are not able to find that person.

You do not need to panic at all because today, through this article, we will provide you with some such dua, which, if you do according to the rules told by us, then you will be able to find that lost person again easily and will also be successful in bringing him back to your life.

So far, thousands of people have tried this dua and have had very positive results. It has also helped them find their lost person.

You can also be one of them. Just follow our method correctly and have full faith in Allah SWT.

If you feel that problems from all sides surround you and you want to get rid of those problems, then read the Dua for All Problems.

Follow some rules before starting this Dua

Before starting this dua, you have to follow some rules so that Allah Taala accepts your dua soon and the lost one comes back into your life the day after.

  1. Recite Astaghfirullah 100 times before starting the dua to seek Allah’s forgiveness for your past sins and purify your heart.
  2. Make a clear and sincere intention in your heart that your dua is for the safe return of the missing person.
  3. Perform the dua during times when duas are more likely to be accepted, such as After Tahajjud, Between Adhan and Iqamah, On Fridays, especially after Asr prayer or During the last third of the night.
  4. Sit or stand facing the Qibla while making the dua.
  5. Begin your dua by reciting the beautiful names of Allah (SWT), such as Ya Rahman and Ya Hadi, 33 times.
  6. Have complete faith in Allah (SWT) and trust that He will guide you and the missing person to safety.
  7. If you are a woman, take care not to recite this dua during your menstruation.

Powerful Dua for missing person to return

The best Dua for missing person to return is: “Ya Jami’u, ya Rabbal Arshil Adheem, ya Raddal Gha’ibeen, irham dha’fi wa rudda ilayya maa faqadt.”

Translation: “O Assembler, O Lord of the Great Throne, O Restorer of the lost, have mercy on my weakness and return to me what I have lost.”

Methods to perform this dua for lost person:

  1. First, do proper Wudu.
  2. Recite Durood Shareef 11 times.
  3. Read Surah Ar-Rahman once.
  4. Now recite, “Ya Jami’u, ya Rabbal Arshil Adheem, ya Raddal Gha’ibeen, irham dha’fi wa rudda ilayya maa faqadt.” 213 times.
  5. Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) for the missing person to return.

You should continue doing this method regularly for 15 days with full faith. Insha Allah, that lost person will return to your life again.

If you want to get the result soon, contact our Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji through WhatsApp. He will help you completely in this matter.

We often share people’s success stories on Instagram through reviews, which you can see on our Instagram page.

If you have anxiety about something or you are worried about something and are overthinking all the time, then you should read Dua for Anxiety. It will help you a lot in this.

Dua to find something lost

If you have lost something precious and you are tired of looking for it but have not found it yet, then do not worry at all because now we are going to give you a dua with such power that if you do it according to the rules mentioned by us, then you will get your lost thing back.

Let us know which dua that is and what the right way to do it is.

  1. First, do proper Wudu.
  2. Then say “Bismillahi rahman rahim” 99 times.
  3. Now close your eyes and remember that lost item.
  4. Recite “Allahumma ya Hadi, ya Raddal Gha’ibeen, ihdini wa rudda ilayya ma faqadt.” 323 times.
  5. Finally, pray to Allah SWT in your own words to get your lost item back to you.

Follow this method regularly for 15 days. InshAllah, you will get that lost item back to you soon.

If you want immediate help from Allah and you want all your problems to go away, then read Dua for Immediate Help from Allah.

Dua for losing something

  1. Recite Durood Shareef 3 times.
  2. Recite: “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. Allahumma ruddahu ilayya.”
  3. Translation: “Indeed, we belong to Allah, and to Him we shall return. O Allah, return it to me.” 217 times with full faith.
  4. Pray to Allah in your own words, asking sincerely for the return of the lost item.
  5. End by reciting Durood Shareef 3 more times.

Perform this with a focused heart, and InshaAllah, you will find what you’ve lost.


In summary, the dua for finding a missing person shared in this article has brought hope and relief to many people, helping them reunite with their loved ones.

Losing someone close is incredibly painful, but with faith in Allah and by following the simple steps given, many have successfully found their missing loved ones.

Always remember that Allah is the one who reunites and guides.

By praying with a sincere heart, trusting in His mercy, and staying consistent in your duas, you can also experience positive results.

Don’t lose hope—InshaAllah, your loved one will return soon.

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Anwar khan
If you are facing many problems in your life and want to find the solution to those problems with the guidance of Allah, do not panic. You can get the solution to any of your issues from our experienced Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji, who has 30 years of experience. By using his help of Islamic knowledge, you can solve any of your problems That, too, in a halal way.

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