Powerul Dua for someone you love in Arabic

The Dua for Someone You Love given in this article has helped thousands of people so far.

They have made someone realize their love and find the person they love, and even today, this Dua is working for many people.

Love is a very beautiful feeling, and only the one who has truly loved someone in his life can know this feeling.

However, the person in front sometimes does not understand love and those feelings. He does not know that the other person loves him immensely.

In such a situation, the person who loves someone immensely starts feeling guilty about how to make that person feel his love.

If you also find yourself in a situation in which you love someone immensely but want the person to feel your love, then you can follow our given dua and its method.

If you do this dua according to our rules, then believe me, the person in front will also feel your love, and he will come close to you forever.

If you like someone and want to bring him/her closer to you, then you should read the dua to bring someone closer to you.

How does “Dua for someone you love” work for you?

Who does not know that the Quran is a powerful book in Islam, written thousands of years ago and that secrets are hidden in it and are being revealed to this day?

This book covers the past and the future, and we want to tell you that it is the same book in which you will find the solution to every problem.

If you have full faith in Allah and you pray the prayers given in the Quran for your problems in everyday life, then believe me, Allah’s mercy showers on them, and their problems also go away, even if that problem is related to your love.

If you genuinely love someone and your intentions are pure for that person, then after doing the duas in this article, you will feel that that person has started understanding your love. He has started realizing how much you love him.  

If you do not know which prayer in the Quran is there, you can create love in that person’s heart by reciting it.

Then, today, through this article, we will tell you about that prayer.

We will also tell you the right way to pray. Before starting the prayer, you must remember to follow some rules.

What are those rules? We will also share them with you now.

To get your lost love back Read Powerful Dua for love back (Getting the person you love)

Follow some important rules before starting this Dua

  1. Make sure that you clean yourself thoroughly before starting the dua.
  2. During the dua, if you offer five prayers on those days, the prayer will reach Allah soon, and Allah will accept your prayer soon.
  3. You should start this dua by facing towards Qibla.
  4. First of all, make sure that you truly love the person for whom you are praying and that you see your future with him/her. If you are praying for your own benefit, then Allah will not accept your prayer.
  5. On the days when you start these dua, you should also do some charity work and feed a poor person. This will shower Allah’s blessings on you, and your prayers will be answered soon.
  6. If you are a woman, take care not to recite this dua during your menstruation. Wait for your menstruation to end, and then start this dua.
  7. Most importantly, follow our given method properly. If you feel that you have made some mistake, start the dua again per the rules we provided.

Method to perform Dua for someone you love in Arabic

  1. Perform Wudu (Ablution)
  2. Seek the best time, like Tahajjud or after Isha.
  3. Read Durood Shareef 11 times.
  4. Read Ya Wadud 101 times.
  5. Recite “Allahumma aj’al al-mawaddata wa ar-rahmata bayna qalbi wa qalbi [name of the person], wa barik lana fi hubbina fi ta’atika ya Arhamar-Rahimeen.” 324 times.
  6. Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) for someone you love to start loving you.

Follow this method regularly for 17 days without any gap and with complete faith in Allah SWT.

InshAllah, soon you will start getting positive outcomes, and that person will start loving you.

Dua for someone you love in Arabic
Read Dua for someone you love in Arabic.

If you need help, have questions about the above dua, or want to get the result as soon as possible, then you can contact our Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji through WhatsApp.

He will help you ultimately in this matter.

Till now, he has helped thousands of people and gained their love. We often share people’s reviews on our Instagram page, which you can see on the Instagram page.

To get someone back in your life, consider reading Powerful Dua for someone to come back to you.

Powerful Dua to make someone love you back

We understand very well that when someone is in true love, he is ready to do anything for his love. But the most painful thing is that that person does not realize your love.

If you get broken and do not feel like doing anything, you do not need to be disappointed.

If your love is valid for the person in front and you are ready to marry him, then today we will give you a prayer based on such power that if you do it as per our rules, then that person will also start loving you.

You have to believe in Allah and follow this method.

  1. Do proper wudu.
  2. Read “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” 99 times.
  3. Now recite “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Birahmatika Astaghees.” 232 times.
  4. Finally, blow on that person’s photo and pray to Allah (SWT) to make that person start to love you.

Follow these steps daily for 17 days, inshallah. You will start getting positive outcomes in these 17 days.

Dua to make someone love you back
Read Dua to make someone love you back.

Join thousands of others who have experienced the benefits of this dua—now it’s your chance, inshallah.

If you truly love someone and want to make him/her crazy in love with you, then you should read Dua to Make Someone Fall in Love with You.

Another Powerful Dua to get the person you love

The best and most effective Dua to get the person’s love is: “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khairin faqeer.”

This means, “My Lord, indeed, I am in need of whatever good You send down to me.”

powerful Dua to get the person you love
Read powerful Dua to get the person you love.

This dua is taken from Surah Al-Qasas (28:24)

Method to perform this dua:

  1. First, do proper Wudu.
  2. Read any five names of Allah SWT
  3. Then recite Surah Al-Qasas (28:24) 435 times.
  4. Finally, pray to Allah SWT to get that person’s love.

Follow this method regularly for 17 days after Fajar salah, InshaAllah.

You will start getting positive outcomes in some days, and that person will start getting love back.

Read Powerful Dua for marriage proposal in Islam (proposal acceptance)

Surah to make someone love you 

If you want someone’s love, reciting certain verses from the Qur’an with a pure heart and genuine intention can be effective.

A recommended surah is Surah Al-Qadr (Chapter 97); here’s how you can proceed:

Steps to Recite Surah Al-Qadr for Love:

  1. Purify Yourself:
  2. Pray Two Nafl (Voluntary) Rakats:
  3. Recite Surah Al-Qadr seven times.
  4. Recite Durood Sharif
  5. Recite, “Ya Allah, fill their hearts with love and kindness for me if it is good for both of us. Guide us on the right path and bring us closer to You.”

Repeat these steps daily for at least 21 days, with faith in Allah SWT.

Surah Al-Qadr for Love
Read Surah Al-Qadr for Love.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you make dua for someone to love?

Yes, you can make dua for someone to love you, as long as your intention is pure and the relationship aligns with Islamic teachings (e.g., marriage or mutual respect).

In Islam, dua is a powerful way to get Allah’s (SWT) help, and it is permissible to ask Allah Tala to create love and affection between two hearts.

Here’s how you can make such a dua:

Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a’yunin wa-j‘alna lil-muttaqina imama.

Translation: “Our Lord, grant us from among our spouses and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.

This dua is taken from Surah Al-Furqan (25:74)

You must recite this dua after every Salah 99 times regularly for 17 days and pray to Allah SWT to get that person’s love.

How to ask Allah for someone you love?

The best way to ask Allah for anything is through five times prayers.

If you pray five times a day and ask Allah for something specific, then Allah will give you that thing.

Even if that thing is your love.

You have to have complete faith in Allah and pray five times a day with full devotion and request Allah for your love from the bottom of your heart that he return it to you and fill that person’s heart with love for you again.

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If you are facing many problems in your life and want to find the solution to those problems with the guidance of Allah, do not panic. You can get the solution to any of your issues from our experienced Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji, who has 30 years of experience. By using his help of Islamic knowledge, you can solve any of your problems That, too, in a halal way.

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