3 Powerful Dua to make him think of me or call me now (Halal+Tested)

The Dua to make him think of me or call me now given by us in this article has helped thousands of people so far in getting back the person who has left them, and even today, this Dua is working for many people, due to which people are getting back their lost love and lost person.

In this world, people meet and get separated, but some become so special with time that it seems very difficult to live without them.

That person can be anyone, such as a friend, lover, or someone in your relationship.

Still, sometimes, due to this estrangement or some fight or quarrel, that person goes away from the other person.

The other person wants to come back into his life again, and he tries everything he can to do that, but even after thousands of efforts many times, he does not come back.

If you also find yourself in a situation where someone to whom you are attached has disappeared, and you want him to think about you and call you, then today, you have come to the right place.

In this article, we will provide you with a dua that, if you do it according to our rules, will cause that person to return to you, start thinking about you, and call you.

You just have to do this duas according to our rules.

That too with complete faith in Allah (SWT).

Till now, thousands of people have tried this dua, and they have also got positive results.

If you sometimes feel that no one likes you and you want to make a specific person like you, then read Dua to Make Everyone Like You.

Follow some Guidance before starting this Dua

Before starting this dua, you have to follow some guidance so that you can make your prayer more powerful, and Allah (SWT) will accept your dua soon.

Let us know what guidance you have to follow:

  • You have to recite this dua in a peaceful environment, sitting in a clean and destruction-free place.
  • You should start this dua by sitting in Qibla’s direction.
  • If you are a woman, take care not to recite this dua during your menstruation.
  • Always keep your intentions clean. If there is any kind of negative energy or thought about someone in your mind or heart, then eliminate it first and only then start this dua.
  • You should follow this Dua and the rules we mentioned with complete faith in Allah (SWT). If there is even a slight lack of faith, then it is possible that Allah (SWT) may not accept your dua soon.
  • You should be consistent as per the rules given by us because if you maintain regularity, then only the chances of your dua being answered are high.

Dua to make him think of me

If you wish for someone to think of you with pure and positive intentions, you can use the following dua, which is taken from Surah Taha 20:39: “Wa alqaytu ‘alayka mahabatan minnee walitusna’a ‘ala ‘aynee.”

Translation of this Dua: “And I bestowed upon you love from Me so that you would be brought up under My eye.”

Method to perform this dua:

  1. Perform Wudu (Ablution)
  2. Recite Durood Shareef 11 times.
  3. Then, recite the Verse Surah Taha 20:39” 434 times.
  4. Finally, pray to Allah SWT to create love, understanding, and positive thoughts in the heart of the person you are praying for.

Follow this method continuously for 15 days.

By having full faith in Allah (SWT), Inshallah, you will soon get positive results, and the person for whom you are praying will start thinking about you and will also contact you.

If you still want to get results soon Without doing this Method, you can contact our Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji through WhatsApp.

He will help you completely in this matter.

Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji has helped thousands of people so far.

We often keep sharing on Instagram through reviews related to every problem.

If your relationship with someone is not the same as before and there is bitterness in your relationship between both of you, then you should not panic at all; in such a situation, read the Dua for relationship.

Dua to make him call me now (Someone call you instantly)

It is often seen that when two people love each other, fights between them are very common.

But sometimes, fights increase to the extent that people do not even like to call each other.

This continues for many days, and then the person in front is forced to think whether that person has forgotten me forever or will never call again.

If you are also finding yourself in such a situation where the person in front is not even calling you, then you should not panic at all.

Now, we are providing you with such a powerful dua that if you do it according to the rules we mentioned, then that person will call in front of you.

If you want to make him call you now, then recite: “Ya Allahu, Ya Rahmanu, Ya Raheemu, Ya Samee’u, Ya Mujibu.”

Translation: “O Allah, O Most Merciful, O Most Compassionate, O All-Hearing, O Answerer of Prayers.”

First, perform Wudu, then pray Two Rakat Nafl Salah; after that, recite Durood Shareef and, with full faith in Allah SWT, recite “Ya Allahu, Ya Rahmanu, Ya Raheemu, Ya Samee’u, Ya Mujibu” 342 times and blow on his photo whom you want to call you and pray to Allah SWT in your own words.

You have to follow this method regularly for 15 days without any gap. After any 3 Salah inshallah, that person will start calling you.

If your heart is broken due to some reason or you are very sad due to someone’s departure and you are unable to handle your broken heart, then in such a situation, read the Dua for heart break.

Prayer to make him call me now

Perform proper ablation and sit in a clean and peaceful area where you can focus without distractions.

Start by reciting Durood Shareef 11 times, then recite the Dua 101 times with full concentration: “Ya Allahu, Ya Samee’u, Ya Mujibu, Ya Wadood.”

Raise your hands and pray to Allah (SWT) in your own words: “Ya Allah, if it is good for me and pleasing to You, please inspire [Person’s Name] to call me now. Strengthen our bond with love and understanding, and bring us closer to us.”

Follow this method daily after Any Salah for 16 days and Leave the matter to Allah SWT, trusting that He will bring what is best for you.


The dua shared in this article has been a source of comfort and success for many individuals, helping to reconnect with loved ones or have someone think of them and reach out.

Relationships can face challenges, but with sincere intentions, faith in Allah (SWT), and the correct method, positive changes are possible. Whether you choose to perform the dua for someone to think of you or call you, it’s essential to follow the guidance provided, remain consistent, and trust in Allah’s wisdom.

Many have seen remarkable results by practising these duas with a pure heart and belief in the Almighty.

If needed, expert guidance from Maulana Anwar Ali Khan is also available to help you through this journey.

Ultimately, leave your prayers in Allah’s hands and trust that He will do what is best for you.

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If you are facing many problems in your life and want to find the solution to those problems with the guidance of Allah, do not panic. You can get the solution to any of your issues from our experienced Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji, who has 30 years of experience. By using his help of Islamic knowledge, you can solve any of your problems That, too, in a halal way.

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