Powerful Dua to stop Divorce (Save marriage from Divorce)

The dua to stop divorce given in this article has saved thousands of homes from breaking.

This Dua has eliminated the word divorce from people’s lives, and even today, this prayer remains very useful for thousands of people, due to which many people have been stopped from getting divorced.

We all know that the relationship between husband and wife is very pure in the eyes of Allah Tala.

There are many disagreements between husband and wife, and many fights start taking place.

The result of those fights is divorce, or it is also seen that divorce is possible due to some third person between husband and wife.

It is also seen that due to a lack of mutual understanding between husband and wife, the relationship reaches the stage of divorce, and divorce is very painful.

Allah (SWT) also does not consider this thing right.

If you, too, are feeling yourself in such a situation where your relationship is on the verge of ending, and you wish with all your heart that your divorce should be stopped by any means and Allah’s blessings should shower on you, then yes, it is possible.

Today, in this article, we will provide you with some such dua and wazifa through which you can stop your divorce and end any discord in your marriage forever.

You have to do the dua we gave you according to the rules we mentioned.

Believe me, till now, many people have tried these duas, and they have saved their relationship from breaking. You can also be one of them.

“Allah has allowed divorce, but He hates it.”

Sunan Ibn Majah 2018

How Dua to stop divoce will work for you?

As we all know, Allah (SWT) has approved divorce, but divorce is not the right thing in the eyes of Allah (SWT)

This is also written in the Hadith:

“The most detestable of lawful things in the sight of Allah is divorce.” 

Sunan Ibn Majah 2018

If you want to stop your divorce with a true heart, then there is nothing wrong with it.

If your heart is clean and you want your relationship to be saved, then there is nothing better than this. Allah also wants his servants to have a pure heart; only then will Allah SWT be kind to them.

The only thing is that you should know which prayer is there in the Quran and how to do it so that your divorce stops and Allah’s mercy comes upon you.

We all know that there are many such secrets hidden in the Quran, which are proving to be true even today, so we cannot take the Quran lightly.

There is a solution to every problem in the Quran, even if that problem is related to your married life.

If you do the prayers given by us with a true heart, then, believe me, your divorce will stop. Before giving a prayer, you need to know the rules that you have to follow so that the prayer reaches Allah and Allah accepts your dua.

So let’s know What the rules are that you have to follow.

To get your husband love back read Powerful Dua for husband love (Husband wife love from Quran)

Follow some essential rules before starting this Dua

  • The most important thing you need to do before doing dua and wazifa is that your heart should be clean, and your intentions should be pure. If your intentions are pure, then Allah taala will accept your dua quickly.
  • Start this dua by sitting in the direction of Qibla and reciting any ten names of Allah, and then start praying.
  • If you want to stop this divorce for your benefit and you do not have any love for your husband or wife in your heart, then your prayer will not be accepted.
  • If you have committed any sins, first of all, ask Allah for forgiveness for them. Then start reciting this dua.
  • If you are a woman, take care not to start these prayers during your menstrual period. Start these prayers only after the menstrual period is over.
  • Take full care to do these duas properly as per the rules given by us. If you do not do the duas as per our instructions, then the chances of your prayers being accepted will be very low.

Steps to perform Dua to stop Divorce

  1. Do proper Wudu.
  2. Recite Durood Sharif 11 times.
  3. Then, recite, “Rabbi ishrah li sadri, wa yassir li amri, wahlul uqdatan min lisani, yafqahu qawli.” 324 times.
  4. Finally, pray to Allah Tala in your own words to stop your divorce.

Follow these steps regularly for 16 days to stop your divorce and regain love between you.

Dua to stop Divorce
Read Dua to stop Divorce.

If you need any help or want to get results quickly, you can contact our Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji through WhatsApp without any hesitation.

Maulana Anwar Ali Khan Ji has helped thousands of people stop divorce so far. Today, those people are very happy.

We often keep sharing people’s reviews on our Instagram page as well.

If you are facing any kind of problem in your love marriage then you should read Dua for Love Marriage.

Another Powerful Dua to save marriage from Divorce

In Islam, the relationship of husband and wife is considered a very sacred relationship.

When two people get into this sacred relationship, both of them have many dreams that they want to fulfil in the future, but when things do not happen as per their dreams, both of them get very disappointed and start cursing their fate, and the biggest reason for this is divorce.

If any one of the two people wants this relationship to be saved by any means or it should not broken, then believe me, This thing comes to the heart and mind of a person only by the order of Allah, and thinking like this is also very good in the eyes of Allah SWT.

That is why we are going to provide you with another powerful dua through which you can stop your divorce.

If you are facing any problem doing the dua given above, then you can also adopt this dua instead.

Before Thajud Salah, first do proper Wudu, then say “Bismillah Rahman Rahim” 21 times; after that, read Surah Ya-sin 2 times, then recite allahumma inni astakhiruka bi ilmika” 434 times and pray to Allah SWT to save your marriage from divorce.

Dua to save marriage from Divorce
Read Dua to save marriage from Divorce.

You have to follow this method regularly for 15 days with full faith in Allah SWT inshallah. Soon, you will start getting positive outcomes, and your partner will start loving you again.

To get what you want from Allah SWT Read Powerful Dua to get what you want (Get anything you want in seconds)

Follow these 6 Tips to make your marriage stronger and avoid divorce

If you never want anything like divorce in your relationship and you do not want husband-wife to fight with each other, then we are going to tell you six tips here; if you follow them, then your relationship will become stronger, and a situation like divorce will never arise.

Let’s know what are those tips that you have to follow:

  1. The most important thing is to respect each other; husband and wife should always respect each other.
  2. Always share everything. There should not be anything that husband and wife hide from each other.
  3. Never fight or quarrel in public. If there is any disagreement between you two, then resolve it privately.
  4. If you are a husband, then take your wife out for a meal or to some such place from time to time. This will keep the love alive.
  5. Always do something special for each other.
  6. Never let any third person dominate your relationship.

Wazifa to stop Divorce

People often ask us if there is any wazifa that can stop our divorce, so we would like to tell you.

There is a powerful wazifa in Islam by which you can stop your divorce forever.

If you are facing any problem in the duas mentioned above, then you can do this wazifa instead of that.

  1. Do Wudu.
  2. Sit in the qibla direction.
  3. Recite Durood Shareef 11 times.
  4. Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas (Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad) 21 times.
  5. Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) to stop your divorce.

Perform this wazifa daily after Fajr or Isha Salah for 16 days.

Wazifa to stop Divorce
Read Wazifa to stop Divorce in this image.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Allah save my marriage?

If this question comes to mind: Will Allah help you stop your divorce? Then, the answer is yes. Of course, he will help you.

If your mind is confirmed, your intentions are pure, and you are using these prayers with a true heart.

If you do, according to the rules we mentioned, Allah will definitely help you stop your divorce and will not let it happen.

We all know that Allah is the one who runs the whole world and creation. Everything is in Allah Tala’s control.

Allah (SWT) loves his servants very much and wants the same from them, so if you pray salah five times, Allah will listen to you.

How to fix a broken marriage in Islam?

If you want to mend your broken relationship again, then the best treatment for it is the path of Allah.

Follow the path of Allah, follow the duas given by us, and keep trying to understand and convince your partner.

Make them realize how much you love them even today, and be patient.

If you are patient, then believe me, your partner will return to you, and your broken relationship will be united again.


In the end, we would like to tell you that we have written this article for our brothers and sisters so that, through our efforts, someone’s home can be saved from getting ruined and someone’s divorce can be stopped so that both of them can live happily in their lives.

We want to tell you that the dua we gave above and how to perform it is entirely halal.

We are against any magic and all these things and request you people that you too follow the path of Allah Taala and not use any kind of wrong or haram things.

Using the duas mentioned above, thousands of people have improved their lives and prevented divorce.

Still, if you have any questions, you can contact Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji through WhatsApp. He will help you completely with every matter.

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