How to remove jinn from body (Jinnat se bachne ki dua)

One of the most frequently asked questions we get is how to remove jinn from the body (Or give Dua to remove jinn from body), so today, through this article, we will give you such a powerful dua and tell you how to do it so that you all can know how to remove jinn from the body permanently.

In Islam, jinn are supernatural beings created by Allah (SWT) from smokeless fire, as mentioned in the Quran.

“As for the jinn, we created them earlier from smokeless fire.”

Quran 15:27

They differ from humans (created from clay) and angels (created from light). The term “jinn” comes from the Arabic root word “janna,” meaning “to conceal” or “hide,” as they are generally invisible to humans.

Evil jinn, like Shaytan, can whisper negative thoughts, doubts, and temptations into a person’s heart and mind to lead them away from faith.

“From the evil of the whisperer who withdraws, who whispers in the hearts of mankind.”

Quran (114:4-5)

Some jinn can enter the human body and cause mental, emotional, or physical distress.

Symptoms may include sudden anger, depression, anxiety, physical pain without medical cause, and even speaking in different voices.

Some people use jinn in black magic (sihr) to harm others.

The Quran mentions that devils taught magic: “But the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic.”

(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:102).

If you also find yourself standing in a place where you feel that Jin is dominating you or someone from your loved one’s family, then do not panic.

Today, through this article, we will provide you with a powerful Dua to remove jinn from body and tell you how to remove that spirit from you permanently and that family member.

You must do our given method properly with complete faith in Allah Taala.

Till now, thousands of people have adopted this method and successfully separated Jin from their bodies; you can also be one of them.

If you feel some strange thing in your house that is accompanied by a lot of negative energy and you feel it every day, then these can be signs of Jinn in the House.

How to remove jinn from body

If someone is affected by jinn, ruqyah (Islamic spiritual healing) is the best method to remove jinn from the body.

Below are the steps to perform Ruqyah safely:

Before starting, make sure:

  • ✅ You are in a state of Wudu (ablution).
  • ✅ The place is clean, with no pictures or music, and detraction-free.
  • ✅ You have strong faith in Allah (SWT) and rely on Him alone.
  • ✅ You use only Quranic verses and Sunnah methods (avoid shirk or magic).

The following Quranic verses and duas help remove jinn from the body:

Ayat-ul-Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255)

“Allah! There is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of all existence…”

  • Recite Ayat-ul-Kursi 121 times and blow on water. Give the affected person to drink and sprinkle on their body.

Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi at night and then sleeps, Allah appoints an angel to protect him.


Surah Al-Falaq (113) & Surah An-Nas (114)

  • Recite these 127 times each and blow over the person.

Surah Al-Baqarah (2:102)

  • Recite Surah Al-Baqarah 99 times in the house regularly, as it drives away jinn.

Surah Al-Jinn (72:1-4)

  • This surah speaks about jinn and protects them from harm. Recite this Surah after Every Salah for 99 times.

Ruqyah Dua (Prophet’s Protection Dua)

“Bismillahillazi la yadurru ma’asmihi shay’un fil ardi wala fis-samā’i wa huwas-Samee’ul Aleem.”

(In the name of Allah, nothing in the heavens and the earth can harm with His Name, and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing.)

  • Recite 121 times in the morning & evening for protection.

Seeking Help From Molana Anwar Ali Khan

If you feel things are worsening and the situation is not improving, and if Jinn is getting too much power over you or that member, you should immediately contact Maulana Anwar Ali Khan Ji through WhatsApp.

He will help you in these matters and tell you how to remove Jinn from you permanently.

To resolve problems from your life, consider reading 3 Effective Powerful Duas For All Problems.

Dua to remove jinn from body

The best dua to remove jinn from the body is: “Bismillahillazi la yadurru ma’asmihi shay’un fil ardi wala fis-samā’i wa huwas-Samee’ul Aleem.”

(In the name of Allah, nothing in the heavens and the earth can harm with His Name, and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing.)

Methods to perform this dua:

  1. Do proper Wudu.
  2. Read Ayat-ul-Kursi (7 times) and Surah Al-Falaq (7 times).
  3. Take Zamzam water in your hands and recite “Bismillahillazi la yadurru ma’asmihi shay’un fil ardi wala fis-samā’i wa huwas-Samee’ul Aleem.” 213 times.
  4. Finally, spread that Zamzam on the affected person and pray to Allah SWT to remove Jinn from the body.

You should do this method continuously for 15 to 16 days after any advice with complete faith in Allah Tala. Insha Allah, the Jinn will leave the affected person’s body forever.

If you want to get results soon without this method, you can contact Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji through WhatsApp.

He will help you ultimately in this matter and give you solutions to remove the Jinn from your life.

He has helped thousands of people in this matter, which we often share on Instagram through reviews.

Read 5 Powerful Dua for Anxiety, Worry, Distress and overthinking.

Jinnat se bachne ki dua

If you want to save yourself from jinnat and evil forces, then it is very beneficial to read Quranic verses and dua of the occult.

These duas protect you from devils, jinnat, evil eyes, and evil forces:

  • Recite Surah Al-Falaq (113) & Surah An-Nas (114) daily after every salah.
  • Make it a habit to pray 5 times a day.
  • Make it a habit to recite “Bismillah” before every work.
  • Close the house doors and recite “Bismillah” when it gets dark.
  • Read Surah Al-Falaq & An-Nas on the children and blow on them.
  • Do not keep haram things (music, photos, incense) in the house.
  • Use Zamzam water and kalonji (black seed oil) daily.

If you follow the above-mentioned points, then, Insha Allah, you will easily be saved from Jinn, and no evil thing will be able to harm you.

Apart from this, you must have complete faith in Allah Taala and not let your faith waver; you must always be patient.


Jinn are real beings created by Allah SWT, and while some may cause harm, Islam provides powerful protection through Quranic verses and duas.

If you or a loved one is affected by a jinn, following the methods of Ruqyah, reciting Ayat-ul-Kursi, Surah Al-Falaq, Surah An-Nas, and other recommended verses can help remove their force.

Consistently reciting Dua to remove jinn from body, maintaining faith in Allah SWT, and following the Sunnah are necessary for protection.

If the situation worsens, seeking guidance from an experienced scholar like Molana Anwar ali khan can be helpful for you.

Trust in Allah SWT; you will find relief with patience and persistence, InshaAllah.

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Anwar khan
If you are facing many problems in your life and want to find the solution to those problems with the guidance of Allah, do not panic. You can get the solution to any of your issues from our experienced Maulana Anwar Ali Khan ji, who has 30 years of experience. By using his help of Islamic knowledge, you can solve any of your problems That, too, in a halal way.

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